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Lost? Here's 4 Steps to Finding Your Path
There are moments in life when we lose our sense of direction. Whether you're faced with major life-changes, a sense of dissatisfaction, or simply feel the need for some self-reflection, UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center magazine outlines four research-backed steps to finding your path, with a focus on defining your values, identifying domains in life that matter the most to you, translati... posted on Feb 27 2024, 2,812 reads


These Nepali Women Give Mt. Everest Garbage New Life
Over the years, the Himalayan mountains are increasingly overrun with waste from mountaineering activities. Nepal's Department of Tourism estimates that Mt. Everest boasts nearly 140,000 tons of waste. In 2019, the government launched a Clean Mountain Campaign ("Safa Himal Aviyan"), which has removed 108 tons of waste from Mt. Everest and nine other Himalayan mountains. Some of that waste material... posted on Feb 26 2024, 2,647 reads


With a Soft Breath: How My Daughter Rides Horses
"I've begun to teach my 3.5 year old daughter to ride horses on her own. ... I grew up with horses, and learned to ride alone at a similar age, and when I was a teenager, I began teaching others to ride around the time I was training horses and working with traumatized and "problem horses". Having grown up in the USA, I grew up surrounded by a lot of ways of being with horses that were fundamental... posted on Feb 24 2024, 7,527 reads


Something Old Is Something New
"When Rue MaCall walked down the aisle at her wedding in September, everything she wore was second-hand, borrowed or stitched from someone else's discarded fabrics. Her earrings were made from tassels she found in a donation bin. A friend lent her pearls purchased 50 years ago. She made her dress by hand, finding all the second-hand silk, thread and lace she needed from a single source, the Ragfin... posted on Feb 23 2024, 1,650 reads


He Left Company Ownership to its 700 Employees
Nearly half a century ago, Bob Moore founded a natural foods brand that now boasts over 200 products in more than 70 countries. On February 10, at the age of 94, he passed away peacefully in his home in Oregon, US. Having grown Bob's Red Mill and Natural Foods with his wife, who passed away in 2018, Moore began securing the company's legacy in 2010, by transferring ownership to its employees -- ov... posted on Feb 22 2024, 2,563 reads


Why Uncertainty Can Lead to Childlike Wonder
Uncertainty is often viewed with uneasiness, yet our capacity to hold this quality can actually lead to remarkable strength and possibility. Neuroscience notes that when you "meet up with something new, you're flooded with neural changes in the brain related to neurotransmitters and stress hormones," explains journalist Maggie Jackson, who's authored an entire book on the topic. "These are stress-... posted on Feb 21 2024, 1,635 reads


Small Town Hotel Becomes Safe Haven in an Expensive World
In Little Current, Ontario, Canada, the owners of a local hotel have transformed their lodgings into affordable apartments for those struggling to make ends meet. Denise, "D" as she's lovingly called, was an employee of the Anchor Inn for over 15 years when she and her partner purchased the property in 2017. As housing and inflation spiked costs of living, Denise's hotel vision took a heartfelt tu... posted on Feb 20 2024, 1,863 reads


Zero Problem Philanthropy
Christian Seelos reframes our concept of philanthropy with the idea of Zero-Problem Philanthropy, a shift from focusing on finding solutions for problems to creating healthy social contexts that inherently reduce the creation of problems to begin with. Our current "solution-focused" philanthropic methods often result in a never-ending cycle of problems and solutions. "What would it take to shift f... posted on Feb 18 2024, 1,379 reads


Mycelial Landscapes
Mycologist Merlin Sheldrake, creative director Barney Steel and filmmaker Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee embark on a compelling conversation on the role of mycelial webs in holding our landscapes together, and how our human systems can learn from that. The nature of fungi may just force us to rethink our traditional conceptions of individuality, intelligence, and life itself. "One of the things we might lea... posted on Feb 16 2024, 2,066 reads


The New Old Age
Still wondering what you want to be when you grow up? Turns out, you're not alone. A fascinating phenomenon is burgeoning among retiring adults as they step out of their primary careers and into "the Encore Years". Programs at institutions like Stanford and Harvard have cropped up to support such transitions, particularly for established leaders. Such a process unearths raw questions on the nature... posted on Feb 15 2024, 3,783 reads


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Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.
Sir Thomas Browne

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